We present daily sea surface temperatures and marine heatwave status for each of the ecosystem regions managed by the Alaska Fisheries Science Center. Temperatures are updated automatically using satellite data curated by NOAA's Coral Reef Watch Program (https://coralreefwatch.noaa.gov/). The current year's daily temperatures (black lines) are compared to the previous year (blue line), the daily average (1985-2014), and each of the individual years since 1985 (grey lines).
Marine heatwave calculations are performed on the daily SST data using the heatwaveR package (https://robwschlegel.github.io/heatwaveR/).
More information can be found here (https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/feature-story/current-sea-surface-temperatures-eastern-bering-sea), on github (https://github.com/MattCallahan-NOAA/SST-shiny/), or by contacting emily.lemagie@noaa.gov or matt.callahan@noaa.gov.